One of Many Lies We've Swallowed in 2016, and it is only March: Raw Milk Made No One Sick at the WV Legislature, but that Has Not Stopped the Media or the Sheeple
The Governor of West Virginia signed the 2016 Raw Milk Herdshare bill into law in March. This is a bill he vetoed in 2015.
This legislation reverses an older law that prohibited West Virginia residents from co-owning dairy livestock for the purpose of being able to use their animals’ milk without pasteurization.
Right now, a rumor that has been proven in many ways to be without merit has circulated nationwide that raw milk served to a few people at the capitol made them sick. This is not true. Many people at the capitol had norovirus and/or other viral illnesses during the week the milk was brought. A few who drank the milk caught the virus around the same time, but as you would imagine, a lot of people were sick that did not even see the milk brought, at the same time with the same symptoms.
We live in a society that does not care about the truth and is happy to perpetuate a lie at every single turn. Our media is dishonest about small and large matters. It is no surprise then that the puppets pretending to be Journalist have made fun of our state for this unfounded rumor for over a week now.
But the truth is we have a right to be proud that we have made progress for farmers and freedom with this legislation. This law matters a great deal, actually.
I cannot help but feel sorry for the citizens who are so poorly educated they do not understand better and have made no effort to learn the truth.
Let us face a stark fact: America is systemically being disenfranchised at every turn. We, as a whole people, have sat by; we allowed this to happen with almost no fight.
The opposition to this bill and the very fact we had to seek this legislation at all proves this out.
While almost every single state in the Nation, like Oregon and California and Pennsylvania, allow sales of raw milk, West Virginia has lagged behind. We are not doing something innovative with herdshare legalization. We are coming at the tail end, a decade or many, late. As usual.
The so called “Food Freedom Fight,” a movement spearheaded by small farmers nationwide, is one of many movements birthed because of too many years of silence by too many Americans.
While we slept, we lost liberty after liberty with almost no protest.
We backslid. Some are so deep in the kool-aide even now, the populace sees no important to "Food Freedom."
Unless you were already familiar with the Food Freedom movement, how many of you would have believed that any state in the nation would be so bold as to create a law that says an American citizen could not enter into a private contract to co-own and co-use livestock to gain a traditional food?
Would have believed that an entire government system was actually so broken and oppression-minded, they feel they MUST protect the people from “the people” by dictating where your food can originate and how you MUST cook it, as well?
Maybe if they dictated what flavors your soda came in, maybe then you'd be upset? Maybe when they decide how much sugar you can put in your tea? Maybe when the FDA decides to pre-cook your steaks, chicken and seafood to ultra well done before allowing you to buy it?
I must have misread our Founding Fathers . . . I could have sworn it was. . . “By the people” & “For the people.” Someone is confused here. Someone. . .but it is not I.
Here is a fact: Farm to consumer sales of all types are wrapped up in economics. This is a corporate oligopoly (a few entities dominating an industry) the American government is protecting; this revolves around the 80 plus billion dollar a year dairy industry that buys milk from dairy farmers for $1.00 a gallon. It isn't about keeping you SAFE.
Keep in mind, many large commercial dairy farms run at such a loss, they operate on tax payer funded welfare known as “Agriculture subsidies." These dairy farmers cannot make a living that is decent at that price, but they have no option for their milk sales outside of selling to these few companies, conglomerates like Kraft. So they continue to sell at poverty prices. The massive buyers of most all of the milk produced across the nation work hard to keep this multi billion dollar industry unable to operate without them.
Money is poured into lobbying against small farmers and consumers at every single turn.
This funding assured the FDA and CDC and state Health Department propagate Real milk (raw) as dangerous to the public; they tout it as a volatile product that must be heavily regulated. Of course they do, this works in their interest. Remember, this effort is about 80 plus BILLION dollars a year. People believe the propaganda, as people as usually want to do.
Here we are.
What happens if raw milk sales suddenly becomes legal across the county, both intra and interstate sales? Not mass illness because we can see from current numbers from the CDC and FDA. What happens is the market controlled by Mass Corporations see some of their dairy farmers skipping the middle man and selling direct. You would not see farms operating at a loss giving away milk for $1 per gallon to big corporate buyers. That is a fact.
The actions by the government in American on our food system are not some type of unimportant joke a fringe group has taken up. Hardly.
Last time I checked, small farmers built this nation and feed this nation.
Fringe group? Hardly.
They matter. They matter to your health, your economics and your freedom
American farmers have been Terrorized for a decade across this county by the FDA and state law enforcement for simply selling real milk to informed Americans who desire to use it. There are no shortage of stories, though they fail to make the headlines in this biased Media environment.
The steps that have been taken systematically over decades concerning where our food comes from is one of an American Government siding with huge industry over the citizen.
Our wildly out of control government is demanding our food go through a middle man in order to assure mass profit to huge corporations. To ensure control is out of our hands.
Please realize this is about controlling that most important aspect of day to day life: Sustenance. Control Food = Control Everything.
Our most basic freedoms are eroded more and more each day. We sit back and talk and grumble. Some find themselves too disillusioned to even care anymore. But when consuming a traditional food becomes a hot bed for Civil Disobedience, We have to realize this Nation is in danger of heading down the wrong path, it is already half way to hell.
When one says American Farmers’ Survival does not matter, Americans’ choice concerning what they eat is trivial, one needs to also accept that it will hardly be long before the same tyranny which robbed that Farmer of his survival is going to be knocking at your door.
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